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Science Fiction Books and Stories
Gathering Shards


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"Gathering Shards" by Julia H. West

Science fiction short story. Lasai's sole purpose in life was to heal the ghosts of the Ebchians, who had died thousands of years before. He did not foresee what would happen when archaeologists began excavating the ancient Ebchian cities.

Originally published in Oceans of the Mind, Issue XII, Summer 2004.

An Old-Fashioned Christmas Tree


Barnes & Noble

"An Old-Fashioned Christmas Tree" by Julia H. West

Science fiction short story. Life on the new colony world is good now. So why isn't Camille happy this Christmas? Why do memories of death and deprivation haunt her?

Originally published in Dragons, Knights, and Angels Magazine, December 2001.

A Portion for Foxes


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"A Portion for Foxes" by Brook West

Set in near-future Japan, this novelette tells of Tadashi's quest to finish a virtual reality device to make his elderly mother happier living in the city when she misses life on her farm. And then Tadashi meets the woman of his dreams. . . .

Originally printed in Writers of the Future, Vol. XI, Bridge Publications, June 1995.

Power Sources


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"Power Sources" by Julia H. West

Science fantasy novelette. Hallelujah Tuckett came to Midway to escape the slums of her home world, only to discover that Midway was probably the most boring planet in the galaxy. Augmenting her salary as a forklift driver by moonlighting in a beauty salon, she's saving every penny so she can get off the planet. Then she discovers that the alien taleweaver she has been visiting can really do magic.

Originally printed in Realms of Fantasy, February 2004. Finalist for 2004 Utah Speculative Short Story Award.

Scavenger Hunt


Barnes & Noble

"Scavenger Hunt" by Julia H. West

Young adult science fiction short story. The underwater domes of Chai complex are breaking down, and Modlene and her family will have to leave if Mod can't fix the water purifier. Can she and her brother Simon find the parts they need in an abandoned dome?

Originally published in Oceans of the Mind, issue XI (Colonies), Spring 2004.

Sea of Chaos


Barnes & Noble

Award-winning science fiction novelette "Sea of Chaos" by Julia H. West

Ancient navigators' art from Micronesia is used to navigate starships through overspace using virtual reality. Winin is a Master Navigator, chosen specifically to lead a mission to rescue a starliner adrift in overspace. Can Winin get the starship through the Maelstrom using only his knowledge and reflexes after the computer goes down?

First Place winner, 1st Quarter 1994; Grand Prize winner, 1994, Writers of the Future contest. Originally printed in Writers of the Future, Vol. XI, Bridge Publications, June 1995.

Banner by Danica B. West

This page created 4 September 2011

Last update 14 December 2011